The HGV Medical Explained


Here’s what lorry drivers need to know about the HGV medical, from health and vision requirements to how often you need to take it.

As an HGV driver, you need to be prepared to handle the vehicle in all weather and traffic conditions. So it makes sense that anyone who wants to get or renew a Group 2 licence for lorries, buses or minibuses will need to meet certain health criteria.

Of course, you aren’t expected to have perfect health. But you do need to be fit and well for whatever the day’s driving throws at you, while keeping control of a heavy, large-scale vehicle.

Take some of the worry out of the process by finding out when you need as assessment, what to expect, and what to bring on the day.

What Happens at an HGV Driver Medical?

You need to go to a qualified doctor for your HGV driver medical, also known as a D4 medical. But it doesn’t have to be your own GP – in fact, many drivers have trouble getting an appointment with their busy local clinic.

On the day, the doctor will discuss your health and medical history. They’ll also need to know about any consultants you’ve seen, and any medications you take.

It’s not an option to keep quiet – you need to be completely honest.

Certain conditions are particularly important to raise with your doctor. Any neurological condition like epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson’s or seizures has to be discussed. Mental health conditions including depression and dementia too, and any sleep conditions.

Diabetes, and any heart conditions, need to be raised, and so do any addictions. While it can be difficult to discuss chronic drug or alcohol use, now is the time to be upfront.

Be ready for a few health checks, such as a blood pressure test. Lorry drivers also need an eye test as part of the HGV driver medical assessment – but not all doctors can complete it.

Fortunately, when you book with My Driver Medical, your doctor will carry out the eye test at the same time as your medical. So unless any particular issue needs further investigations, you’ll just need one appointment to get your D4 medical done.

You’ll need to read from an eye chart, known as a Snellen chart, to make sure you can read a number plate from a 20 yard distance.

What Do You Need to Bring for an HGV Medical?

Lorry driver

Don’t forget the obvious – bringing along you D4 medical assessment form for the doctor to complete on the day. They’ll fill it out there and then. You can download a D4 form online, and if you’re renewing you may already have received a copy in the post.

You’ll also need a form of photo ID, such as your driving licence or passport. Bring your glasses or contact lenses if you wear them for driving, along with the prescription.

And don’t forget to bring details of your medical conditions. As well as the info on any conditions, you’ll need a few additional details that you may need to check in advance and write down. Bring along the details of any medical consultants you’ve seen – and any medication you take regularly.

Does an HGV Driver Medical Take a Long Time?

At My Driver Medical your HGV driver medical takes 15-20 minutes on average. You’ll just need one appointment for both the health assessment and eye test, so no need to book a second assessment.

If there’s a lot to discuss, that can add to the total time. On occasion, a driver will have a health issue that warrants further assessment from a specialist.

How Often Do You Need an HGV Medical?

HGV drivers need to retake the lorry driver medical at the age of 45, and every five years until you’re 65. After this point, you’ll need to renew your licence every year, including taking the HGV medical to ensure you’re still in good health.

Why the need for multiple medicals? Essentially, the DVLA want to know that you aren’t overlooking anything. Health conditions can change over time – sometimes for the better, but in many cases they can worsen. So it’s important to check in on your health by retaking the medical for your HGV driving licence renewal.

Book Your HGV Medical Today!

Check our schedule for last minute HGV medicals – in many cases, you can get the assessment done today or tomorrow. So there’s no reason to wait around to get your driver medical out of the way, and get that licence application sent off. You can find current prices, and all the essential info you need to book your D4 medical, right here.